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Helmete e bobebe ea PASGT

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Mohlala:pasgt Helmet ea Lihlomo tsa Ballistic
Sebaka sa Tšimoloho: Jiangsu, Chaena
Nomoro ea mohlala: LR-BPH07
Setifikeiti: Tlhahlobo ea Lab ea USHP
lintho tse bonahalang: UHMWPE/Aramid
Boemo ba Tšireletso: NIJ0106.01 Standard IIIA
Sebaka sa Tšireletso: 0.12-0.13 M2
Boholo: M/L/XL
E sebelisitsoeng:Sesole / SESOLE /POLICE
Boima ba 'mele: 1.3-1.5 lik'hilograma
Sebopeho: Helmete ea Lihlomo tsa Ballistic
Warranty: lilemo tse 5

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Tlhaloso ea Ts'ebetso ea Sehlahisoa

Khetla ea helmete e entsoe ka lesela le lohiloeng la aramid le tsoang kantle ho naha kapa uhmwpe, 'me bokaholimo bo fafatsoa ka tšireletso ea sesole ea polyurea elastomer.Sistimi ea ho emisa: Theknoloji ea ho emisa lintlha tse 4 e sebelisoa kahare ho ntlafatsa botsitso ba ho roala helmete.Ho hlomelloa ka li-headband tse feto-fetohang, boholo ba selikalikoe sa hlooho bo ka fetoloa ka likarolo tse 'nè tsa meralo ho eketsa botsitso ba helmete.

Tlhophiso ea Paramethara

1. Boima ba helmete: 1.3 ~ 1.5kg
2. Sebaka sa tšireletso: 0.13 ~ 0.2m2
3. Litekanyo: X / L / XL

Lintlha tse Potlakileng

Sebaka sa Tšimoloho: Jiangsu, Chaena
Nomoro ea mohlala: LR-BPH07
Setifikeiti: Tlhahlobo ea Lab ea USHP
lintho tse bonahalang: UHMWPE/Aramid
Boemo ba Tšireletso: NIJ0106.01 Standard IIIA
Sebaka sa Tšireletso: 0.12-0.13 M2
Boholo: M/L/XL
E sebelisitsoeng:Sesole / SESOLE /POLICE
Boima ba 'mele: 1.3-1.5 lik'hilograma
Sebopeho: Helmete ea Lihlomo tsa Ballistic
Warranty: lilemo tse 5


Ballistic e entsoeng ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo (UHMW PE UD kapa Aramid UD).Sebaka se pakeng tsa li-pads le shell se tiisa boiketlo le ts'ireletso ea ea apereng.Ka ts'ebetso e ntle e sa keneleng metsi le ea UV-proof, lihelmete tsa KELIN le tsona li hanela ho tsoa kotsi ea bobeli ea likulo.Libopeho tse tummeng ke helmete ea PASGT (M88) le helmete ea MICH2000.

Boemo ba Tšireletso: NIJ 0101.06 IIIA

Mohlala Lintho tse bonahalang Boemo Boima ba 'mele Tlhaloso
POTLAKO aramid NIJ IIIA 9mm/.44 Mag 1.4-1.45kg 1. Mich 2001 shell
2. Mokhoa oa ho emisa hlooho-loc
3. Side rail & mounting tsamaiso
4. Mmala: Botsho, boputsoa bo lefifi, Camo, Tan
PASGT aramid NIJ IIIA 9mm/.44 Mag 1.35-1.45kg 1. Lintlha tse 'nè, tsamaiso ea ho emisa Modular
2. Mmala: Botsho, boputsoa bo lefifi, Camo, Tan
Mich2000 aramid NIJ IIIA 9mm/.44 Mag 1.35-1.5kg 1. 7 pad suspention system
2. Mmala: Botsho, boputsoa bo lefifi, Camo, Tan
Mich2000B aramid NIJ IIIA 9mm/.44 Mag 1.4-1.5kg 1. 7 pad suspention system
2. Side rail & mounting tsamaiso
3. Mmala: Botsho, boputsoa bo lefifi, Camo, Tan



Haeba u thahasella lihlahisoa tsa rona 'me u batla ho tseba theko kapa lintlha tse ling,
ka kopo ikopanye le rona ka tlase kapa u re romelle lengolo-tsoibila!

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