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Bullet Proof Visor Bakeng sa Helmete ea Sepolesa

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Bullet Proof Visor Bakeng sa Helmete ea Sepolesa
Lebitso la sehlahisoa:Ballistic Visor
lintho tse bonahalang: Polycarbonate
Boemo ba Tšireletso: NIJ0106.01 Standard IIIA
Kopo: Tšireletso ea Sepolesa sa Sesole sa Sesole
Color: Transparent
Boima ba 'mele: 1.25kg - 1.49kg
Size: E 'ngoe ea boholo e ea lekana
Botenya: 22+mm

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Tlhaloso ea Ts'ebetso ea Sehlahisoa

Mofuta ona oa Bulletproof Shield o sebelisoa hammoho le Helmete ea Bulletproof 'me e ka sebelisoa hammoho le Helmete e bonolo ea Bulletproof le helmete ea tšepe ea Bulletproof.Lintho tse ka sehloohong tsa Mask ea Bulletproof ke PC, PU le likarolo tse ling tse se nang likhalase, tse nang le litšobotsi tsa phello e phahameng ea likulo 'me ha ho na khalase.Bracket e khona ho fetoha, ho bonolo ho e kenya le ho e qhaqha.E loketse ho sebelisoa ha mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea lihelmete tse thibelang likulo ho sireletsa hlooho le sefahleho ka katleho.

Tlhophiso ea Paramethara

1. Boitsebiso: PC e ka hare + PC ea ka ntle + clip PAC thepa
2. Sehlopha sa tšireletso: NIJ IIIA
3. Sefahleho sa Mask boholo: 142 * 375 ± 5mm
4. Sebaka sa tšireletso: 0.05m2
5. Botenya ba mask: 21 ± 1mm
6. Palo e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea ho sothoa ha leseli phanele e hlakileng: 4'
7. Boima ba boima ba Bulletproof Mask: 1489 g
8. Phetiso ea leseli: 83.2%
9. Mocheso o sebetsang oa tikoloho: - 25 ℃ ~ + 55 ℃

Lintlha tse Potlakileng

Lebitso la sehlahisoa:Ballistic Visor
lintho tse bonahalang: Polycarbonate
Boemo ba Tšireletso: NIJ0106.01 Standard IIIA
Kopo: Tšireletso ea Sepolesa sa Sesole sa Sesole
Color: Transparent
Boima ba 'mele: 1.25kg - 1.49kg
Size: E 'ngoe ea boholo e ea lekana
Botenya: 22+mm


Visor e senyehang e etselitsoe ho lekana PASGT / MICH / FAST lihelmete tsa ballistic, tse ka sireletsang ba apereng hantle sefahleho ha ho hlokahala.
* Boemo ba Tšireletso: Boemo ba IIIA bo tloaelehileng ba NIJ, bo ka sireletsang khahlanong le 9mm / .357 /.44 / .22 caliber pistol litšokelo, bokhoni ba ho otla ka bongata

*Boholo: e le 'ngoe e lekana kaofela
* Boima ba 'mele: ka tlase ho 1.5kg
* Botenya: 22mm
*Mmala: pepenene
* Phetiso: 95%


Haeba o thahasella lihlahisoa tsa rona mme o batla ho tseba theko kapa lintlha tse ling, ka kopo ikopanye le rona ka tlase kapa u re romelle lengolo-tsoibila!

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